6 months, and wow-what a week!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

It has been a very, very full week! Elena is even closer to crawling-she can really move around, she just hasn't figured out the arm part of crawling, she's cutting her top tooth/teeth (not sure which yet...), her dedication was Sunday, she's starting solid food, and we went on vacation with the Tappans. Lots to say!

I did manage to get these pictures in order this week. Elena can virtually run around Mimi's house in her walker. While I was nursing at mom and dad's, she was being a little gymnast. She kept sticking her foot up to my mouth to kiss it.
This is random, but these are some toys that I bought at JoAnn's that we're thinking were made somewhere else. If you zoom in, the stickers on them say (in order from l to r) music party/happy, mouth, music, drum when, bite happy. Did they just pick random words?
Bananas are really fun to play with, especially when they have stickers on them.
Elena's dedication at church was on Sunday, and it was nice that all our parents were able to come. In a very condensed version, we both spoke and said we were dedicating her for several reasons-that she not only know God, but be familiar with Him, that we are reminded to give her over to Him not once, but daily, and because as much as we try, we aren't sufficient and we fail, but He never does. Rich (our pastor) spoke about her name and introduced her to the church. Afterwards, some members of our church who felt led came up and laid hands on us and prayed. It meant so much to Chris and I, and just was wonderful. Elena was able (barely!) to wear the dress that Chris's aunt Vernie had made for him, and looked so sweet. It was a lovely day.

After church, we went with John and Susan to Applebee's, then to Townsend for vacation until Tuesday night. Cliff and Pam met us up there, and Pam's parents came Tuesday afternoon. Elena had a big time playing with everybody.
On Wednesday, we hiked to Laurel Falls. It's a paved trail, but even the "hikers" in our group thought it ended up being pretty good because we saw a mama bear and two cubs! The cubs were so cute-a little close for my taste, but so cute.
Elena and I shared a banana. She liked it very much, thank you.
Sharing water with daddy.
She loves to get her hands and feet in any kind of water-she even likes washing them in the sink at home.

Taking a break at the top.
She's been off schedule since we were on vacation, but this is how she started her nap that day. We turned her around right after we took this picture.
She decided she likes hats now. Chris and I neither one own one, but Cliff and John wear them a lot. Peekaboo is just funnier this way, I guess.
We ate at Texas Roadhouse Monday night, and she tried sweet potatoes (without honey butter and cinnamon!) and loved them. She kept opening her mouth like a little bird.
Chris sings 3 little monkeys with her. 5 monkeys just takes too long.
Playing peekaboo with Grandpa.
Group picture. Last year we all matched, but we didn't coordinate that this year. A pretty good picture, though.

We went to the Dogwood Mall, and Elena heard a voice behind her and turned to see what it was.
We got a snack at Burger Master (which has pretty amazing shakes), and Elena took her afternoon nap on Nana's lap.
Playing with Nana.
That's all for now. This week is Chris's last week at EdFinancial, and he'll start his new job on Monday. Also, my grandparents come on Tuesday, so I'll post again mid-next week. And, Elena's doctor's appointment is on Tuesday, so be thinking of us (shots, again).