Here is the last picture taken of Chris with long-ish hair, at Panera before we walked across the parking lot to the hair place.
Here's Daddy's short hair! Elena and I think it looks nice. Chris says he's still getting used to it. 
Earlier this day, Elena had on a super obnoxiously yellow outfit. Chris called her "Little Miss Sunshine". She blew through that one, so I put her in another yellow outfit and took her outside since it was almost 70 degrees. So these are also her "Little Miss Sunshine" pictures, but she better never know the words to Super Freak or have velcro tear away pants.

I wanted a picture of the baby and cat next to each other so we could compare their size later, but the scary baby moved and Jack had to run away.
Chris and Elena with Timothy and baby Samuel. They were due two days apart, though Samuel came early. We had dinner with the Russells last week. It's nice when other people understand randomly screaming babies. (she's usually good, but had an exceptionally upset night...)
I can't believe that you didn't even mention Julie re-introducing herself to "the new guy" in our small group!!
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