It seems like she spends a lot of time on her activity mat. She doesn't, actually, but it's one of the only times she's not being held so I can take her picture. She does love it, though. Here's her first time wearing overalls. Anyone who has known her mama for awhile knows that it's inevitable that she have overalls at every stage of growth. For instance, she now has three pair in 0-3 month size. I think these make her eyes look so blue.
I made Chris take the camera and take a few pictures of me holding her, so she'd at least know what I looked like when she's older.
more pictures playing on her daddy's knees...

Chad Phillips and Becca and Jason Payton (friends of mine from college) visited last Saturday. Here's Chad with Elena. I realized later that we didn't take any pictures of Becca and Jason. Sorry!
This is what we call "sitting like a people". We talk all the time about how amazing it is that she is a people-not just something little that will grow into one. 
Her Nana and John (Chris's dad hasn't chosen his name yet!) are visiting this weekend, so we'll be sure to have more pictures early next week!
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