Happy Easter to all! These are a few pictures from yesterday. We still haven't done some of the regular Easter stuff, like dying eggs, but we will. It's the good part of having a newborn who doesn't know when holidays start and stop. Elena had a fun weekend with Chris's parents, and spent part of the day yesterday with mine (and today, actually). She's getting to where she knows what song is coming by the beginning of it, and has several favorites. She's able to roll from her tummy to her back fairly regularly, and is starting to try to roll from her back to her tummy, with no luck so far. She turns pages in books, and prefers that to looking at the pictures very long. Chris and I kiss her, and she's started opening her mouth and will lick you, which is funny and sort of gross. She gets focused on a toy, and is able to mostly get it in her mouth now. She's also decided she does not like to be covered up when she eats, and while she will tolerate it sometimes, sometimes she won't (making it lots of fun for mama in church, the mall, Panera, etc.) She's also started rubbing her hair anytime she eats or has a paci in her mouth, which is pretty cute. That's our update for the week.
These are out of order, but it's easier to just go ahead and post them. They're all from yesterday, anyway.
Here's a happy girl on Easter night-after she blew through her special Easter outfit. At least she had on a bunny bib...
Elena and daddy hanging out with the computer.
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