This week we started actively looking for other moms and babies to do stuff with. Thursday, we went to a Mommy and Me group that was having a birthday party/Easter party-a first of both for Elena. She slept through the Easter egg hunt-however, my legs are feeling all of that squatting today!
Sucking her thumb with her easter bag...(sorry these are sideways)
They ran out of hats, but I borrowed one for a picture. I made her was a practice one for her Easter dress.
This was a couple of weeks ago at our small group cook-out-I don't know how I missed posting it before!
We had Cami with us for a few hours on Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday. We hung out downtown. After taking this picture, she wanted one taken everywhere...
For instance...

Here's Elena practicing being on her belly...

My grandmother, Gigi, sent Elena her first Madame Alexander doll (display one-mom bought her a little huggums)
She thought it was delicious. Actually, this was the first time she's put something in her mouth on her own-of course it's a collectible doll!
While you can't get the full feel of it here, this is Chris and Elena singing their newest daddy-invented song, complete with full choreography. Here are the words-you can imagine the motions...
Daddy giving her a bath in the tub Mimi got for her. (It sticks to the wall!)
We went walking in Cherokee Park the other day, and it was finallty warm enough to wear an out fit her Gigi got her before she was born! I attempted to take pictures under the dogwood trees, but no luck.
That's all for now. I"m sure we'll have lots more to post after this weekend. Happy Easter.
Here's Elena practicing being on her belly...
My grandmother, Gigi, sent Elena her first Madame Alexander doll (display one-mom bought her a little huggums)
Her name is Lulu and she's a ladybug
Sometimes she poo-poos
Sometimes she likes to hug (mmm-mmm)
She likes to shake it whenever she gets the chance
She likes to break it down
And baby dance dance dance
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