Playing with Poppy.
Cami put stickers all over Chris's arms, then they were counting them together.
Kisses for Mimi. I was trying to get an action shot, and even though I got a couple with everyone centered, this seemed to grab the idea of the fury of Leni's kisses better.
We went on a picnic (which actually was grabbing something at a truck stop) at Melton Hill Dam. It was nice to get outside for a little while.
I bought these rings because the baby gymboree book said it would be a good activity for her age-to stack them. She likes to stand in the middle and sit on the edge.

Tonight (Sunday) we had some of my friends from college over for dinner. It's nice to still keep up with them-we meet up 2 or 3 times a year. This is Joey-it was his first time to meet Elena. He's the reason I started going to the Christian Student Center in college-we went on a mission trip to Honduras in high school and when I had a sudden change of heart to not go to Lipscomb, he was the only person I really knew at UT, which is odd, since I'm from Knoxville. After that, we were X files buddies. He got married about a month ago, and it was nice to get to talk to Loraine. Elena liked pulling the hair on his arm, then looking at her fingers, which was funny.

This is LeeAnn. She and I were in bible studies at the CSC, and led one together at one point(and talked lots!). Her husband, Willie (in the background), is the new principal at Knoxville Christian School (Regena-we'll have to talk about that!)

Here's Loraine with Leni-she especially loved Loraine's shoes and kept reaching for them.

This is Becca. We were college roommates, and got our cats, Jack and Cria, at the same time. I need to pull out pictures of that apartment-I painted it all the time-crazy stuff. The more I think of it, she was pretty tolerant. Like when she came home and I had an art project when marionettes hanging from the ceiling and black trash bags on the walls...Thinking back, I bet when she said I could paint it blue, she didn't mean the crazy blue I ended up doing with twenty other colors and Venus on it. Anyway. Her mom is going to teach at Spring Hill this year-it's an odd coincidence world with all the teaching links tonight! Leni liked her hair a lot, and loves anyone who will hold her upside down.

It was really fun to see everyone and have some time to catch up (minus one, who we missed). Anyway, it's 12:36, so I should probably go to bed. More later.
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