I'm not sure why, but I loaded Susan's pics on shutterfly, and when I copied and pasted them on here, they are smaller than the others off my camera. I know shutterfly lowers the megapixels when you copy and paste-that must be why. Also, a couple of pictures I tried to post didn't work. Not sure why on that either. Anyway. It was a good weekend visiting with the Tappans. There are some pictures from the rest of the week also.
Hanging out with Grandma. (Leni's great-grandma)
On the hammock with Grandpa.

Climbing all over mama's lap in the yard.

In the baby swing in Nana and Grandpa's yard

All of us in the hammock. Leni liked being queen of the heap

Playing peekaboo with daddy behind the couch

Earlier in the week-helping daddy play guitar

I let her play with a spoon, and put pudding on her tray. She mostly liked smacking her hands in it, and it resulted in another bath.

Mimi and Poppy have poker chips that Cami likes to play with, and Elena liked throwing them around mostly.

Leni found the stairs-the first time she's really noticed them. We didn't have to teach her anything...

At John and Susan's-John is building a shed, so we went to check it out when we first got there.

She likes to shake stuffed animals

We went to visit Grandma's assisted living apartment, and this is the only picture I took-Nana and Elena on the couch in the kitchen of the main area.

She played in the grass for quite awhile this day. She tore up a whole area of grass, then scooted her feet around in the dirt.

She loved this pumpkin-she liked trying to eat it and hitting it with her maraca.

Swinging with Mimi

That's all for now. This week should be pretty regular-Avery and Nathan come home, and not much else is going on.
Missed you guys at small group on Sunday. We planned a trip to a corn maze for the 12th. I am sure we will talk about it again at small group. Looks like you had a fun trip!
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