I added this picture later-I realized it got put in the wrong folder, but it means that I can't change the order. I include it because this week I am in "clean-out" mode. I went through the kitchen and made notes about what we have and need. And, cleaned out my spices and cabinets. This is my 8 month old playing with a spice I'm sure everyone has in their cabinets-cardamom pods. I entertained myself with this one...
This is my 60th post! That seems like a lot... Anyway, this was (thankfully) a pretty uneventful week, so not too many pics. Not to worry-this weekend is an RV trip with my parents to visit the Tappans in KY, and Grandma, so even if I didn't take a single picture, Susan would be sure to take plenty! Also, Avery and Nathan are moving home. So, pretty busy around here!
Elena is getting so big-while I was writing this I took another picture of her pulling up on Chris's guitar while he played. I was talking to the mom of a baby her age at church, and Emily's started crawling and sitting. She was saying how nice it was that she could move and sit independently now. As Chris told me later-give it another week or two. Then she'll pull up on anything that moves. For instance, Elena was standing today holding onto her cause and effect pop up toy, which is 6 inches tall. Also, all of her walker/push toys are newly dangerous because they move when she climbs them. It's fun, but lots lots busier. She is hilarious though-she has a great laugh and she gets so excited that she screams this really funny scream. She is a champion peek-a-boo player.
Okay, on to the pictures.
We bought some hats at Party City to play with. She doesn't love to wear them, but she does love for Daddy to wear them.
Since it was finally not 95 degrees, we really tried to get out this week. For those of you in Knoxville, the duck pond at Fountain City park is finally not so covered in people, and so the ducks actually come to you when you throw them bread. It is really fun.
She was pretty tired, but liked the swing ok.

Here is an example. When I held the walker still, she climbed all over it, and when I had her get down because I needed to move away, she got under it. She was pretty happy about it, though.
Here is an example. When I held the walker still, she climbed all over it, and when I had her get down because I needed to move away, she got under it. She was pretty happy about it, though.
You guys stay pretty active, that is great! so, we will not be seeing you this weekend. Hope your trip good. I am glad to be getting back to small group! It is great to get together so often.
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