So much has gone on this week! I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves...
This one doesn't really tell anything, I guess, except I read a book that said it's fun for them to pull things out of drawers. It was.
She came over this week and we picked up pizza and had a cake and presents.
She was a good sport about the hats-Elena, on the other hand, was not.

Breakdown #1-the dishwasher. Elena helps daddy read the directions. Then she attempted to eat them in Mission Impossible style. As a side note, the directions were in the door of the dishwasher. I mean, in other words, that had Chris not literally taken off the door of the dishwasher, he wouldn't have found them and would have had to call a repair man. I guess it's good that he does things that I would probably freak out about without telling me first! (sometimes...)
Mom said that Elena liked the riding toy, and the previously mentioned book said the same thing, so Leni and I went to Toys R Us to try some out. This was both of our favorite-though we turn off the battery part generally, it isn't super annoying or long playing, and the dinosaur makes munching sounds. And, the cavemen dance.

This week, Aunt Avery came to visit-and in even better news, found out that they're moving home! They've had their house on the market, but someone made an offer and they have to move now, so they close and will be home by the end of the month! We are so excited! We got to the airport early, which was good since Ave's plane got there 30 minutes early.

Breakdown #1-the dishwasher. Elena helps daddy read the directions. Then she attempted to eat them in Mission Impossible style. As a side note, the directions were in the door of the dishwasher. I mean, in other words, that had Chris not literally taken off the door of the dishwasher, he wouldn't have found them and would have had to call a repair man. I guess it's good that he does things that I would probably freak out about without telling me first! (sometimes...)
This is dad's blower. It blows (I think this is true) 101 miles an hour. He has to wear it on a backpack, and wear headphones. It is pretty fun to watch. And tease...
And, Cami's birthday is next week, so we had her party at Chuck E Cheese on Thursday. She had so much fun-she was all over the place. This week she'll be four!

Lots of balloons.

This is Cami's best friend, Kylie. We came to her birthday party in March here.

Some of Cami's friends helped her blow out the candles the first time, so we did them twice. Cami seemed to like doing it twice.

Peekaboo! It's Elena's favorite game. She can really cover herself up now-but her version is very fast!
Where'd she go?!

This week Chris had training in Nashville, so we went along for the ride since it was a Friday and we could stay and play on Saturday. Elena and I went shopping (though we didn't buy anything) and she LOVED the rocking horse at Pottery Barn Kids.
This is a fun activity with the drawer at the hotel.
We didn't take pictures of us around town much, but this is in the parking lot trying to figure out why the car won't start.
And, back in the hotel waiting for the AAA guy...
And playing with the transformer shoe that the guy at Subway gave her after we got a new battery!

Now, the car and the dishwasher do work, in case you were worried.
This week Chris had training in Nashville, so we went along for the ride since it was a Friday and we could stay and play on Saturday. Elena and I went shopping (though we didn't buy anything) and she LOVED the rocking horse at Pottery Barn Kids.
Now, the car and the dishwasher do work, in case you were worried.
In other Leni news, she is cutting teeth. At least two. Hopefully, twenty, as bad as these have been. She's had a runny nose, a cough, is hoarse, is cranky, feverish, etc. We have had a couple nights of very little sleep for Mama, and they're still not through the skin. It is so sad, and so frustrating not to make it better, or at least quicker.
She is doing fun things too, like waving (at everything and everyone) and clapping with her hands more open, and cackling. She is so much fun (aside from the teeth) and is getting so big. 8 months on Monday!
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