this weekend Elena learned to crawl! Mom and Dad decided they wanted to go to Boomsday, but their own way, so dad parked the RV in a parking lot and spent the night. We went to visit since they were downtown, and Elena started crawling in the RV! So smart! By the end of the night, she was more interested in getting on her hands and knees, crawling a little bit, then sitting and clapping (well, waving her arms together) which is her way of telling us to clap. I don't think that she understood that the part we were excited about was the crawling, not the sitting. But, she still wouldn't understand because all of us clapped whenever she wanted us to, not when she actually did what we were hoping. But, she was so proud of herself!
This picture is from a few days ago-the child hates her carseat-I plan my whole life around her napping so that I don't have a screaming baby in the backseat. But, when it's just on the floor, it's so very interesting. She's eating my new "pass the pigs" game that I got for my birthday, which is a super fun game. And delicious.
When we went to visit the RV, which became the crawling trip, we went to Mast General Store. Cami liked picking out candy (okay, we all did) and Elena liked walking back and forth to people holding hands.

Crawling! Of course, I didn't have the video camera, so we'll have to work on that. But I did have my regular camera, and I think you get the idea. Also, she can pull up pretty well now.
You can't see it, but there's a purple balloon at the end of the string, and it was very interesting.

Clapping for Elena!

Sunday, Susan and John came to visit and they left today (Monday). We parked a car after church yesterday morning so that we could get a decent spot and be in the free lot. So, we took the bus downtown. Elena and I ride it sometimes, but I can't ever take a picture of her on it, so I took this opportunity. For short trips, it's so great, since you don't have to take a car seat. Each time we go, I bring less than the time before. Except, of course, this time, where we had the stroller, carseat, two folding chairs, and a blanket. But, four people to carry it.

So, Elena is her mama's girl. We loved the fireworks! They were too loud, so below you'll see the different ways mama can cover a baby's ears. She definitely hated me touching her ears more than the noise...

Oh, I forgot these. This is before they started-she was entranced at her paci in the cupholder.

And mad. I don't usually put mad pictures on here, but this one was so obvious it was sort of funny.

Back to the fireworks. Holding one ear against my cheek and the other with my hand...

During a quieter time-giving her ears a break...

Everyone holding ears... well, I guess one of the blanket around her head didn't get on, or the one with my fingers in her ears. But, in the end it was pretty fun. And, RV is the way to go...

Today we went to Michael's to look for shirts for Susan's class. Grandpa and Elena tried on the reindeer ears. Yep-Christmas crafts are out in full swing. Except not Martha Stewart stocking kits...

Walking with Grandpa around the store-

She was so very tired today, she slept on daddy's boney shoulder! Then they took a nap.

The rest of these are Susan's pictures-some were so cute of her trying to crawl or just looking around.

Clapping, again.

and again...

She loves this grate-and one similar at church. I guess because it's cold?

me clapping for her...

I got lots of comments that everyone liked the picture similar to this from her six month pics, so thought I would include it even though you can't see her teeth...

Playing djembe with daddy.

That's all for now. It was a fun weekend, though short with the Tappans, but we'll be in Louisville at the end of the month to see them again. This week is work, maybe a trip to Chattanooga for an afternoon, 7 1/2 month pics and pics with Cami (we're doing them every 6 weeks...) and maybe a trip to Asheville Saturday, so plenty for next week!
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