Yesterday was Elena's doctor's appointment. She weighs 12 pounds, 10 ounces, is 23 and 5/8 inches long, and her head is 16 inches. That puts her at 50%, 49%, and 70%, respectively. So, she's really evening out, and is right at normal. Developmentally, though, she is a genius baby. She's at a 5-6 month level in development. She's our smart girl!
This may be our last blog for a little while. I had already loaded these pictures on the site as a draft, so I'm just adding words for now using my mom's computer. Our computer finally died between loading the pictures and finishing the blog. I'll see what we can do for loading pictures other ways, though.
Close up of Leni. Jack has adopted most of her stuff now, and occasionally sniffs her feet, but he's still pretty scared of her.
Baby-wearing daddy before our walk to Walgreens Sunday.

Sunday, we washed the cars, and Elena sat outside in her activity center. She likes to suck on the chair.

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