Elena, Mom, and I just got back last night from our trip to San Antonio. We visited with my sister Avery and her husband Nathan, and my grandparents drove 6 hours from Louisiana to see us. We had a great time. It was a really low key trip, and so good to see everyone. Ave had seen Elena her first week, but this was the first meeting for everyone else. She was a hit! We had a lot of firsts this week. She had her first airplane ride, and has learned how to put her lips together to make a soft popping sound, almost like a kiss. She also learned how to drink from a cup this week-she loves anything red, and my cup at a restaurant on Monday was red, so I let her have a sip of water. Now she wants any cup she sees, and knows how to use it! These pictures are in reverse order, because I loaded them wrong.
This is actually her second airplane ride-on the way home.
visiting with Gigi and Grandad.

First cup drinking experience

she loves red anything-Gigi's shirt, the flower at La Madeleine's

Playing with Aunt Avery (the cats weren't terribly interested in her, but they were interested in her stuff)

Aunt Avery and Uncle Nathan (he could hold her higher than she's ever been held before!)

We were in San Antonio for Cinco de Mayo, though we didn't participate in any activities. These were given out at Whole Foods. (Chris makes fun that I am always trying to go to grocery stores on vacation)

Mom and Grandad

Leni and Grandad

Nathan and Elena

This was before we left. Chris tagged the baby in case we lost her.

At the airport with Mimi-practicing flying (she had on a bib that said "up, up, and away" but she soaked it before we got to the airport)

Playing with Avery

Elena always looks surprised to see that other baby-we started calling the mirror baby "stalker baby" this weekend. She is just everywhere!

This is how she woke up the morning before we left-she a scooty girl.

She loves her Little Huggums doll-I think because it has a face. She tried smiling at it and playing with it like the baby in the mirror, and seemed confused when it didn't respond. It's delicious anyway.

Sleeping with daddy

Leaning on daddy, looking at that baby in the mirror.

That's all for now, but this weekend is Mother's Day, Farmer's Market, and a visit with Uncle Cliff and Aunt Pam, so there's sure to be more soon!
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